Magic box

In the introduction part - 
What is magic box , relate it to childhood , fantasy which children's have in there childhood for magic box and how children's enjoyed watching the magic. 

In the main body - 
What magic can do , why was magic important to us in childhood. Telling the people what a magic box can do. What can we do with the magic box. What are the pros and cons of the magic box. Why it is not possible to make such a magic kind of thing in real life and why it is like that magicians don't perform magic but it looks like magic and how magic box used to give us fantasies in childhood. 

In the conclusion part - 
Listing the idea's and make the people understand not to go with the magic kind of things as it is uncertain in our life and also letting people think if they got a magic box for 1 day which can fulfill all there wishes . 
Thank you. 


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