Artificial intelligence In real life.

Artificial Intelligence - 

The video started with the introduction by "Robert Dowry Junior" explaining what is AI. He introduced terms like - "Machine learning" , "Algorithms" , "Computer visions" , "Big Data".
Later on in the video we got to know about these words. 
There was example of *Baby X" who sees the objects and tries to identify and respond to the object , this is "Computer visions". 
There was artificial robot like machine named "Shimon" which could see the patterns of the musical instrument and by manipulating it can help the musicians to make a very fine tuning , this is called "Machine Learning". 
There was an example of artificial hand which was programmed in a way that it could respond the stimulus given by the heart and neurons of the body , an example of "Algorithms" which means programming in the Robots which does work according to the programming and responding to the stimulus. 
At last , "Big data" is a a type of information which is very big and AI can help us to analyse to which it belongs. 
Thank you.


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