Schooling in our locality.

As a team , after a successful discussion , we conclude that - 

Yes,we have capacity to run school in our locality . if we have to run any school in our locality then :- 
 First thing we would make sure that we will provide best teacher to all the students and provide knowledge to more and more students even that students also who can't afford schooling. 
We will try to reduce the fees as much as we can.
 We might not change books every year and try to keep syllabus who fulfil the needs of present as well as future so that the students who pass through our school can get admission in good college and have very good knowledge too and also all concepts should be clear.
If we will talk about teachers then we will try to keep the teachers who are able to explain difficult things in very easy way and who can make student more socialized or interactive
. Teacher should be like this who are able to make boring things intersting. 
We will try that students not learn only one language they get to know different languages so that the importance of cultures and languages can be kept in mind.

       If we talk about technology then we will try to update technology like smart boards,smart pen, digital textbooks as well as library,smart lights and many more.
If we talk about curricular activities then we willl try that student equally participate in this and provide best facilities.
We will merge our school with an NGO so that some donations can be given by the rich so that we run our school in a smooth way. 
We will spend whole money in children's wellfare.
By these methods , we think that our school run will be much more than our capacity.

Thank you,
From team, Mariana Trench.


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